Being Confident of This

Grace for the work-in-progress woman

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Children

on October 11, 2013

Child of the King

It’s one of those days when I feel so plain.

A tad, well, ordinary.

And I know, I know, I know the truth.  That I am.  Ordinary.

Except I’m not.  To Him, I’m not.

Why is it such a struggle to be okay with the ordinary when surrendering to that makes us so completely extraordinary?  Why do I look for the praise of man, the love of others, when I know the unfailing love of the King and the pride of Big Brother Jesus?

It’s like this fever within us, the desire to be more.  More than ordinary.  And it creeps up when we least expect it, even when we’re in the midst of reveling in the extraordinary that He reveals to us.

At first, it’s just a quiet whisper.

We shove it aside, hoping it will go away on its own.  But it doesn’t.  It grows stronger still, this whisper that we are ordinary, plain, nothing special.  And gaining strength, the whisper goes even deeper. You are weak. Your faith is weak. You are worthless.

With a groan, we turn to it, not wanting the whisper to be true, but fearing all the while that it is.   Why do we turn to it before turning away, my sisters?

Why do we listen to that whisperer, the Father of Lies?

Why don’t we turn instead to that Voice of Truth?

The Voice that calls us Beloved, Chosen, My People, Redeemed Saints,

Vessels, Lights in a dark world,

Worthy of a one and only Son, Brides of Christ.

Is there anything ordinary about being a bride?  I think those of us who are married would say it’s the day in our lives when we felt most special, most beautiful, most beloved.

There is nothing ordinary about bearing the names He gives us!

Be still, whispers.

Roar aloud, Voice of Truth!

Because Satan is defeated.  And we…we are new creations.  He no longer has dominion over us.

So, be gone foul whisperer!




Of the One True King.

Ordinary people, extraordinary children.

We can be confident of that.

1 Peter 2:9

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,

a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession,

so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…”

Jen 🙂

It’s Five Minute Friday, and I’m linking up with Lisa Jo again.  You can join in, too!  Five minutes of raw, uneditted, stress-free writing on a word prompt she gives us.

I might also be linking this post up with any of these lovely blogs.

11 responses to “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Children

  1. these words! i LOVED them: “Why is it such a struggle to be okay with the ordinary when surrendering to that makes us so completely extraordinary? Why do I look for the praise of man, the love of others, when I know the unfailing love of the King and the pride of Big Brother Jesus?”

  2. natashlim73 says:

    Great post! He chose 12 ordinary men who did extraordinary things!!! What an AWESOME GOD we serve!!!! Blessings to you xoxo

    • Yes, He did! I need that reminder that those Biblical Heroes weren’t necessarily “heroes” in their days. I tend to put them on a pedestal sometimes and forget they were just ordinary people!
      Jen 🙂

      • natashlim73 says:

        I do that to Jen. They were plain, ordinary people just like you and me with the same struggles and worries, and problems we face each day. Much love and blessings to you!!!

  3. Helene says:

    I didn’t get the title at first but now I’m wowed! Thanks for a great post.

  4. Mel says:

    This just makes me smile…thank you for the beautiful reminder, friend. Many blessing to you! 🙂

  5. Pamela says:

    What a sweet blessing to remember we are not ordinary to our Heavenly Father.

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